Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Thing 5 - Flickr

Created a Flickr account and uploaded pictures of my daughter's cats. Here's one of Lana:

Lana's favorite book is Caterbury Tales.

How I would use Flickr in the library: to post pictures of displays, of kids having fun at our programs, of favorite books, etc...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thing 4

RSS - really was really simple. Added several RSS feeds to my favorites and so now can see what is happening in town and in the nation at a glance. Except that I really don't enjoy the news much at all these days. There was a bright spot on jacksonville.com today about libraries and how the economy is helping people realize what a great deal the library is! More folks are coming in than ever before...for books, movies and computer access.

I had never bothered using RSS before but I can see what a time-saver it is for those who visit the same sites day after day.